CCC graduate will transfer to ASU's Forensics program in the Fall

日期: 周一,15th 2023年5月

Shelly Foster (left) accepts AJS Student of the Year Award from 教师 David Ramos (right)


阿兹-弗拉格斯塔夫市 The CCC Commons stands empty. The echoes of cheering and clapping fill the once lively room. 那是星期五, 5月12日, 2023, when CCC graduates walked across the stage, decorated in their finest graduation regalia, proud of their accomplishments and ready to take on the future ahead.


One of the students who graduated this spring is Shelly Foster. After an educational journey spanning about 10 years, she is finally ready to make her next big leap into university territory. However, getting there was not straight or without its challenges. Life has a way of throwing up obstacles, 还有做一个年轻的妈妈, she was no stranger to having to work hard and make sacrifices to provide for her family.


Foster first discovered CCC when she came the Fourth Street Campus and enrolled in the Adult Basic Education program to earn her high school equivalency credential, 或者GED. It was during this time in her life, she felt supported to dream bigger and consider a college education.


She had been fascinated by the intricacies of solving crimes and watching crime shows, so she enrolled in her CCC’s AJS 101 Intro to Criminology with instructor David Ramos.  As part of her AJS coursework she was able to experience going on a field trip to Phoenix to visit a crime laboratory.


“When I opened the doors to the crime lab, I could really see myself working there,福斯特说.


It was field trips like the one to the crime lab that offer insight into potential opportunities that students may have never considered, 福斯特补充道.


Foster was recently awarded for the Administration of Justice Student of the Year Award presented by AJS 教师 David Ramos.


“Shelly was an intent listener that exuded open curiosity to learn,” Ramos 说. “It was a pleasure to have her in my classroom; she was in a league of her own.”


Foster will be transferring to Arizona State University to pursue a Bachelor’s of Science in Forensics with a minor in Criminal Investigations. She chose ASU because of its affordability, 在线的选择, and because the institution has a robust Criminal Justice program.


Foster credits a few instrumental people at CCC for giving her encouragement and support.


“特里Beeson, EOC advisor at the Fourth Street Campus always made me feel supported and would reach out to check on me.福斯特说. “There were times you want to give up and question if it’s worth it, and my support network would always keep me going.”


Sonjia琼斯, CCC Academic Advisor who was also in Foster’s support network, 说, “Shelly was a stop out student, but once she returned that didn’t stop her from forming some goals and taking the steps, she needed to get back on track with CCC and also form a transfer plan to ASU. She’s tenacious and resilient. She’s worked very hard the past year and is aligned to start at ASU in the Fall of 2023.”


Foster 说 she knew education was the “key to unlocking dreams.” She is most excited to have her children watching her graduate.


“They saw their dad finish, and now they are going to see their mom finish. I am so proud of myself,” she 说 with a big grin and a look of satisfaction.




Communication and Events Coordinator







  • 周一,15th 2023年5月